This is a short introductory course to Balmorel. This course introduces enrolled participants to the energy system model Balmorel, a model that finds the optimal capacity expansion for the future power system and optimal dispatch of generators, down to the hourly level.
In this course, the participants get an introduction of the general aspects of the model, comparison to other energy system and power system models, as well as a description of the structure and input/outputs. Afterwards, the user is introduced to the IT setup in the Cloud to run the model and learns how to run simulations and make analyses.
- Intro to the model
- Model Results, Structure and Inputs
- Running the model
During the lectures, video explanations are complemented with Exercises and Quizzes, to test your understanding and progression with the topic.
In this section you find a library of relevant material on previous Balmorel analyses. Balmorel guide
Previous Balmorel studies:
- Regional Energy Outlooks for Indonesia (2019): Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Sumatra
- China Renewable Energy Outlook (2019)
- Indonesia Energy Outlook (2019)
- EAPP Masterplan Main report (2014)
Relevant documents and reports: