This training is part of the “Balmorel training for India” .
The training is divided in two consecutive courses:
- Analyst topics
- Operator topics
The Analyst course contains topics on understanding overall scope of the model, design scenarios and understand/review results. Following this, the Operator course deals with working in detail with model inputs and outputs, define model runs and handle errors.
The course is organised by days to indicate a recommended pace. However, material will be available in larger sections to allow for extra flexibility.
Class recordings, web-meetings via Teams, exercises and tests will compliment each other to instruct on the basics of the Balmorel model.
Completing a course evaluation and the final test at the end this course will earn you a Introduction to Balmorel certificate.
Organised by:
In this section, you find a library of relevant material on previous studies and Balmorel analyses.
Balmorel manual:
Other Balmorel studies:
- Regional Energy Outlooks for Indonesia (2019): Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Sumatra
- China Renewable Energy Outlook (2019)
- Indonesia Energy Outlook (2019)
- Vietnam Energy Outlook Report (2019)
Relevant documents and reports: